Component with UDT property (or ?) to drag & drop a UDT tag onto my to do this?

I searched this category (#module-development tag component) and found several references to help me do this but I don’t know about the UDT. Is there a way to create “something” in my component (I’m thinking it’ll be a property?) that has the same structure as my UDT? I’m assuming that deep down a user created UDT in Designer is a Java class (or interface?) and the actual tag instance of the UDT is an instance of that class. If so, I should be able to create (or get) a reference to that tag instance in my component when the drop listener is fired. Am I on the right track? Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thank you!

I changed up a little bit trying to drop a String tag onto my component instead of a UDT…baby steps.
Okay, wading through the SDK JavaDoc with hints from other posts in this category and this is where I’m at. I have a property in my client component class private String statusMessage = ""; and I want to drop my String tag onto my component and bind it to my statusMessage property in my bean info class.

Question: Do I need a tag listener?

Answer: No, the code below works (just packaged, imported, dragged & dropped and tested, success :slight_smile:

Original Question: How do I do this with a UDT tag? I suppose I’ll keep wading through the API…I’ll probably need a tag listener for this (lol).

Answer: (pointers anyone?)


/**	A sample valve component from the sandbox.
 * 	@author Ted Fowler 
public class ValveSampleType1BeanInfo extends CommonBeanInfo {

    public ValveSampleType1BeanInfo() {
        //	Our superclass constructor takes the class of the component we describe and the customizers that are applicable.
        super(ValveSampleType1.class, DynamicPropertyProviderCustomizer.VALUE_DESCRIPTOR, StyleCustomizer.VALUE_DESCRIPTOR);
        //	Set things up for handling tag drop.  The tag will be a UDT for the valve (a companion for the PLC valve UDT).
        tagDropHandler = createTagDropHandler();
    }	//	Constructor
    //	========================================================================================================================================================
	//	Stuff for this class.
    //	========================================================================================================================================================
    protected TagDropHandler tagDropHandler;
    //	========================================================================================================================================================
	//	Overrides
    //	========================================================================================================================================================
    protected void configureTagDropHandler(DefaultTagDropHandler tagDropHandler) {
    	tagDropHandler.addBinding(TagProp.Value, "statusMessage");
    }	//	protected void configureTagDropHandler
    //	========================================================================================================================================================