ComponentModelDelegateFactory Issue

I am experiencing a very strange problem.

I accidentally put a component model delegate in the same place as my GatewayHook. In doing some code cleanup I moved it to a different folder under gateway. I updated the package to include the delegates folder and now my GatewayHook is throwing a fit

it is the exact same code; I updated the import path for it. It's found and everything but still is mad. I put it back at the same folder level as the GatewayHook and all is good in the world. I thought it was my java language engine being wonk, so I removed its cache and reloaded and that didn't fix it. Can't build it or anything. Not sure why this is a problem so some guidance would be appreciated.

Does your AssetSelectorDelegate define a constructor that accepts com.inductiveautomation.perspective.gateway.api.Component as a single parameter? Does your module build on the command line (i.e. is it just the IDE that's broken)?

it was a scope issue... I apparently managed to make my constructor protected instead of public. Changed that and it worked. Must have accidentally auto filled that in.

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