Components java classes and methods

Continuing the discussion from Graphical Object Inspector in Ignition:
I wanted to edit some properties that aren't displayed in the properties editor. I found this linked topic from Oct 2016, but the link provided is not working. Is there a way to see a list of all components classes and methods?

All the public ones are listed in the SDK Javadocs, not sure if anything else is around beyond that.

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I have an old version from 2016, but not sure if sharing it would be allowable (I guess it's kind of abandonware) or would break some copyright.

In any case, reflection is what was used (with a GUI made in Vision) and is what you would want to use as well.

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You can also use the introspect() function found in my helper script. This dates back to 2008....


I have no idea what Nick's "graphical" inspector did, but can attest to how invaluable Phil's script is.


I appreciate your responses, that really helped me