Conditional MariaDB query using Dates

Hi all,

Just hoping someone can give me a hand, I am trying filter out rows from a MariaDB database using a start and end date as conditions. Currently, I am getting a SQL Error from the current script and I am unsure why, anyone able to offer advice? (NOTE: for this demo code I am using the alarm_events table but it is identical in my other code for a different database.)

startDate =, -1)
endDate =

query="SELECT * FROM alarm_events WHERE eventtime >= {startDate} AND eventtime <= {endDate} ORDER BY eventtime DESC".format(startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate)

result = system.db.runQuery(query)

for row in result:
	rowData = [item for item in row]

Any help is appreciated.

Always use system.db.runPrepQuery over runQuery if you need any arguments. Seriously, always.

Right now you're relying on whatever string formatting for a date happens to get inserted into your SQL query. This is bad; it's locale and scripting environment dependent, it's a performance cliff, it's a practice that can lead to SQL injection vulnerabilities - it's just a bad time all around.

Using system.db.runPrepQuery, you can substitute arbitrary Python and Java objects into your query, and they will be sent "as-is" (subject to what the JDBC driver involved can deal with) to your DB - with no lossy formatting to string.

Just changing the query and result lines should do it:

query = """
	FROM alarm_events 
	WHERE eventtime >= ? 
	AND eventtime <= ? 
	ORDER BY eventtime DESC

result = system.db.runPrepQuery(query, [startDate, endDate])

Excellent thankyou that worked a charm!