Configure cell on a property change

Hello community,

I am using configure cell on power table to add some tooltips to each applicable cell - the tool tip text is a database driven value; hence, I want to be careful how often the information is fetched. Using configure cell triggers the same information multiple times. Is there a way to render and add tooltip to each cell from property change script instead? or an extension function?

configureCell() is a painting method. It will be called whenever java Swing thinks that particular cell needs to be drawn. It typically is called for every cell on data changes to the table so dimensions can be obtained, but is then called more as scrolling happens and other components temporarily obscure the table.

Do nothing in configureCell that cannot be satisfied with data already available in the table's data or in custom properties (on the table or its containers). (Especially do not do anything that requires gateway comms or network comms.)

Database contents for your purposes, for the entire table, should be pulled into a custom property with a named query binding.

Please show your code for what you are doing now if you want more specific advice.


was able to just do it with fetching other dataset as a custom property and then running a for loop to grab the proper tooltip as needed