Configure Ignition OPC tag value to be the last known while offline

My tag.value is "Error_Configuration" when the PLC is offline (e.g. I'm developing offsite). Is there a different way to configure my tag so that the value is the last know and the quality reports that? All tags have valid values when I'm on the network.

This is the tag diagnostics:

Last published value [null, Error_Configuration("Bad_NodeIdUnknown: The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space."), Wed Jul 24 14:42:37 PDT 2024 (1721857357246)] ERROR

I am using Ignition OPC UA Server.

  "valueSource": "opc",
  "opcItemPath": "ns\u003d1;s\u003d[SLUGFEED]C13:3.PRE",
  "dataType": "Int4",
  "documentation": "SBR Aerated Idle Time",
  "name": "AeratedIdle",
  "tagType": "AtomicTag",
  "opcServer": "Ignition OPC UA Server"