Connect template to UDT tag

Hi everyone
i created a data typ instance (udt) and i would like to attach it to a template that already designed. how to do that?

Please edit your question title and add in either the Vision or Perspective tag so we know which module you're using. "Template" suggests Vision.

Do you really want an answer for both Perspective and Vision?

Vision, you would add a string template prop to pass in the tag path to your UDT instance. Then use indirect tag bindings to address your tags using the tag path as the prefix. Don't be fooled into using UDT Type parameter types as these are like politicians; their marketing will lead you to believe they're cool, but then when they're in, you'll soon find their limitations and performance impacts. Seriously, don't do it. However if you're still thinking about it, do a search for UDT Type parameter vision on the forum and you'll see countless posts about why you shouldn't

For Perspective, you can add types into the View template props under props.dropConfig where you can set up your views to be attached to certain udt types. When you drag a UDT instance of that type onto the page you will the see a list of views with that association to choose from, and it will for example copy the tag path of the UDT instance into the specified View param for you