Connect to AB SLC 5/03 with Moxa EIP3270

I am using the Allen-Bradley SLC driver, Ignition can connect using EIP if I disable processor browse, but I cannot access any data tables on the PLC. If processor browse is enabled, the connection status gets stuck on "Connecting: Browse pending".

As far as I can tell, I don't have the DF1 to EIP conversion setup correctly, or the routing is not configured correctly.

Any help will be appreciated.

SLC comms is a pain.
I am assuming you can message to the SLC using the moxa from another AB PLC?
Sometimes it is necessary to play around with the connection path string in the connection settings.

I have not tried to message from another PLC, I've only tried to connect from Ignition and RS Linxs. The rest of this week is Prity busy for me, I probably won't have time to experiment until next week.

IF RSLinx doesn't work, Ignition definitely won't

Try with rslinx first. Even classic edition will work. We have a few installs like what you're doing, and the moxa EIPs work great.

I got it working, I had the error checking set to BCC when the SLC was set to CRC...

In case someone else is struggling with connecting to a SLC 5/03 or any AB PLC that uses DF1 with a Moxa EIP 3x70. Here are the settings I that work for me.

My PLC comport settings:

  • Driver: DF1 Full Duplex
  • Baud: 19200
  • Parity: None
  • Source ID: 1 (I don't think this matters for this application)
  • Error Detection: CRC (BCC works as long as the Frame Error Detection is set to BCC in the Moxa EIP 3x70 Protocol tab)

The IP address listed in the Routing tab is the IP of the device that will be connecting over Ethernet IP, in my case, my laptop. Port 2222 is CSP protocol and is the first port that Ignition tries to connect with as described by "thechtman" in this post Allen Bradley CPU data direct via Moxa EIP 3270 - #7 by thechtman