Connected to SQL Server Express failied

I am a developer of Oasys HMI developer and like to expend my career to ignition. I download software and try it out on my windows 10 first time.
I got following error after installed JRE, copied unzipped JDBC driver C:\Program Files\Microsoft JDBC DRIVER 9.4 for SQL Server to from Download - JDBC Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Docs (I could not find exe installation version)

Any problem solving process I could follow up?

My SQL server instance called “DESKTOP-ENHKM1F\SQLEXPRESS”.

Thank you for your help,


Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (The connection to the host localhost, named instance MSSQLSERVER failed. Error: “ Receive timed out”. Verify the server and instance names and check that no firewall is blocking UDP traffic to port 1434. For SQL Server 2005 or later, verify that the SQL Server Browser Service is running on the host.)

Are you sure youre using an instance name? Or are you using the default instance? If using the default instance, you don’t use an instance name. Also, do you have the right sql service (I forget the name off the top off my head) running to allow remote connection to it and do you have tcp connections enabled?

The instance you mention, SQLEXPRESS, is different than the instance in the error, MSSQLSERVER. If an instance name is used in the configuration. Take a look at the instance name used in the configuration.

You might also want to verify the other items in the error message regarding firewalls and SQL Server Browser Service.

I do remember that I had to enable the “TCP Connection” parameter in the SQL EXPRESS Database, before I could connect to the database.

Adding more detail to my original post:

Open up SQL Configuration Manager and check that the SQL Server and SQL Server Browser services are both running:

Also check that for each connection service, under Client Protocols, TCP/IP is enabled:

If the name in brackets beside the SQL Server service name is “MSSQLSERVER” then you’re using the default instance, not a named instance. Then in Ignition you would connect to it using:
jdbc:sqlserver://<SQL Server hostname or ip address without angled brackets>

Otherwise, if the name inside the brackets is not that, then use:
jdbc:sqlserver://<SQL Server hostname or ip address without angled brackets>/<name in brackets>

Have a read of the top half of this as well: