Connecting a Cognex Scanner to Ignition

I am trying to connect a Cognex DataMan® 8700 as a device within Ignition. I have the cognex scanner connected by ethernet to my laptop. I tried connecting it as a TCP Driver but don't know what "Port(s)" would imply. Any ideas how I should go about doing this?

Communications and Programming Guide (

What data are you aiming to transfer from the scanner?

This unit has a number of connection methods available.

Ethernet: TCP/IP, FTP, industrial protocols: EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, MC protocol, Modbus TCP

I would concentrate your efforts on Modbus TCP as it is an easy protocol to work with in Ignition and it does things like connection monitoring internally. Use the Ignition Modbus TCP driver, then set up tags that represent the data you want from the scanner and run scripts to deal with data processing on tag changes.


Thank you! I connected via Modbus TCP. After creating new OPC tags, the value being reported to Ignition is "bad." How can I aim the OPC tag to import Cognex reads?

I have some Dataman 8070 scanners connected to Ignition through Modbus TCP. These are the changes to the default Device Connection settings in the gateway I had to make:

  • Set Zero-based Addressing to True
  • Set Reverse String Byte Order to True
  • Set Read Raw Strings to True

As an address example, this is the path of one of the items I have configured in a UDT to read the results:
Here, the :10 is the character count you want to request.

If you haven't already, check out the docs for Modbus addressing info.

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