Connecting Tecnomatix Plant Simulation to OPC UA Client through an OPC UA Server

Working on a project, where we try to connect Tecnomatix Plant Simulation to OPC UA Client(currently using UA Expert, but exploring our options) through an OPC UA server(Currently using IDLE shell to generate a basic server, exploring our options). Has anyone already gone through this process ?
I have established connection between the Tecnomatix and Server, but I have issues in writing the code to read paramaters/attribute values from the Tecnomatix Simulation Model in real time. Any help woud be welcome.

Why do you need another server? Ignition is both a client and a server--I would think a direct connection would be possible?

{ I am totally ignorant of that product, though. }

I am trying to connect Ignition OPCUA server to my Technomatix Plant Simulation OPCUA Client. I have attached the image of the OPCUA module Endpoint URL in Technomatix Plant Simulation. Also, attached is the server setting in Ignition. But i am not able to make the connection. What might be the issue? Is the Endpoint URL wrong, or the server settings?
Also, how do I read parameter data from Technomatix and view it in my server once the connection takes place?

Note: I am trying to connect to a 3rd party client UA Expert too

Use “localhost” as the hostname in the endpoint URL, or change the Bind Address in the Ignition server settings to and restart. Before restarting, also maybe change the Endpoint Addresses setting back to something like <hostname>, <localhost>,

You don't, if Technomatix is the client. Technomatix will be able to read, and possibly write, the OPC devices that Ignition has, and perhaps tags with Ignition's exposed tags features.

If you want Ignition to be able to read or write arbitrary data exposed by Technomatix, then Ignition needs to be the client, and Technomatics the server. Can Technomatics do that?

The grammar of this statement...

...suggests you are confused about the roles of clients and servers. Clients connect to servers; servers do not connect to clients.