Connecting to Remote RS Linx Classic

I try to read OPC DA data from RS Linx Classic Remote but getting this error in my gateway. It seems there is a license problem so I tried to do the same thing with Kepware OPC DA Quick Client on the same Server as Ignition is installed, so I'm sure there is no restriction from RS Linx Classic Remote: COM object method returns error code: 0x80040112; CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED (Class is not licensed for use)
at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.COMServerImpl$ConnectServerJob.internalRun(
at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$
at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$

8.1.42 (b2024061810)
Azul Systems, Inc. 17.0.11

The unlicensed version of RSLinx classic doesn't accept connections from non-Rockwell products. The "node" license accepts only local connections IIRC, and the RSLinx "gateway" license accepts all possible connections. Not sure what the differences are for "oem" and "professional" licenses.

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Ok, then why my Kepware OPC quick client can connect and read data remotely? The Kepware is also considered as non-Rockwell Product.

By the way, the RSLinx Classic is licensed here.

Hmm. No idea.

Maybe something about the user? or Ignition running as a service but the Kepware QC a windowed/foreground application?

That license error is coming back from the server for some reason, it's not us throwing it.

Is it possible one end is 32 bit and the other end 64 bit?

Only thing I saw somewhat relevant on tech connect.

Both x64