Connectring to Pi

Hello all!

We need to connect Ignition to a Pi server using OPC-HDA.

I have 2 redundant gateways (8.1.3).

How would you proceed?
1- Install the Pi OPC-HDA bridge on both Ignition server. No need to configure DCOM since the OPC-HDA server and client are on the same machine. Simpler but need to install OPC-HDA twice.
2- Install the OPC-HDA bridge on a dedicated VM and connect both Ignition’s gateway on it.


I’d go route 1 because remote DCOM is horrible to set up and troubleshoot compared to local COM connection.


That said… I don’t know what the redundancy situation is when it comes to configuring COM stuff… so if there is some piece of configuration data that would need to be different on master vs backup then it might not work out.

Thank you Kaven. I’ll let my Pi expert read the Pi documentation on his side but I think I agree with you. We should be able to do 2 identical configs on both main and redundant servers so for the gateway it should be transparent.

Maybe others will have a different opinon or experiences.