Consolidating Edge Alarms

I have a lot of edge gateways and I want to have one journal in the central gateway that logs all of the shutdowns from each site.

I've solved this on our regular 60 sites that use full ignition by just having two alarm journals... one to the central gateway called "SITENAME_journal", and one that goes to the "Central_Alarm_Journal" and filters by display path.

The problem is Edge only has one journal available and we're going to be scaling out to possibly 20 or 30 Edge sites so a scalable solution like the one that works great for our regular gateways is essential.

Any ideas are appreciated thanks.

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I have the same issue

You might be able to use a gateway script to fetch the data from the Edge alarm journal database and pull it into the "master" database.

However, not sure how you would go about correlating the tag names/IDs and timestamps.