Control Logix Driver - overload

I have a ignition application communicating with a Rockwell L83 PLC (firmware v35 ) using the Control Logix Driver that it is causing a overload on the plc because the messages class 3. Checking the load of the pLC , everytime the tags are reading it increases the message 3 load to 90% so the scada application is not working properly and it is not possible go online with the PLC. There are 14k tags being read from the PLC. Is it possible to configure the application so that it does not read all the tags created? to read only the ones currently displayed and the alarms for example?
Thank you and regards

See if Leased Tag Groups would help.

Thanks but if I understand correctly, using “tags leased” what it does is to read with different cyclicity the tags but in any case it reads all tags at the same time so it generates a peak in the communication, no? what I would need is not to read tags to reduce the size of data that is communicated.

A leased tag group can use zero as its idle pace, which is interpreted as to not read at all.

However, you should read some prior discussions here on optimizing AB Logix. Start with this topic:

Read the whole thing. As you go through it, open tabs to referenced discussions and read those too. If you can, also open tabs for the back-linked discussions (the small links under comments).

It is easy to organize a Logix PLC to yield pathological communication loads from external users.