I want to copy the report to the pasteboard, then modify some attributes, and then paste it back, because too many of the same attributes need to be modified in batches. The following is the method I found, but it does not work
def addURLToClipboardObject(url):
from java.awt import Toolkit
from java.awt.datatransfer import DataFlavor, Transferable
from java.io import ByteArrayInputStream
from java.lang import String
import re
class MockReportMillClipboard(Transferable):
RMDataFlavor = DataFlavor("application/reportmill", "ReportMill Shape Data")
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = String(data).getBytes()
def isDataFlavorSupported(self, flavor):
return flavor == self.RMDataFlavor
def getTransferData(self, flavor):
if flavor == self.RMDataFlavor:
return ByteArrayInputStream(self.data)
clip = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard()
dataflavor = None
for df in clip.getAvailableDataFlavors():
if df.mimeType == 'application/x-java-serialized-object; class=java.lang.String':
dataflavor = df
if df:
data = clip.getData(dataflavor)
regex = r"<text(.*)>"
subst = r'<text\g<1> url="%s">' % url
result = re.sub(regex, subst, data, re.MULTILINE)
print "Added URL to clipboard object"
clip.setContents(MockReportMillClipboard(result), None)
I want to copy the report and batch modify some of the same properties on other editors, such as adjusting the width to 5, selecting all, and replacing them instead of modifying them one by one. Paste the modified ones back, instead of modifying them one by one in the original report
dataflavor = None
for df in clip.getAvailableDataFlavors():
if df.mimeType == 'application/x-java-serialized-object; class=java.lang.String':
dataflavor = df
if df:
data = clip.getData(dataflavor)
regex = r"<text(.*)>"
subst = r'<text\g<1> url="%s">' % url
result = re.sub(regex, subst, data, re.MULTILINE)
print "Added URL to clipboard object"
clip.setContents(MockReportMillClipboard(result), None)
The important piece is this. It does naive regex replacement to modify the XML representation you get out of reportmill. If you multi-select your elements and then paste into a text editor, you can see that same representation. You can parse and manipulate that tree accordingly, and then use the MockReportMillClipboard class to, as the name implies, mock the ‘real’ ReportMill Transferable class - that way it will paste back into the reporting workspace as ‘real’ objects.