I got a new laptop Friday. I downloaded 1.1.19 designer launcher, and went to one of my gateways that is running 8.1.19 and downloaded and installed the designer. Everything seemed fine. Started working on a project I had been working on for a few days.
After maybe 20 minutes, I started having corruption on the page I was working on. Text fields show only half of their field highlighted when I focus on them. Some won't show at all. I have to use the project Browser to select events and scripts and can't drag/drop anything anymore.
I close the designer session, and all seems well. For 5-20 minutes, then I am back in the same situation.

Sometimes, the designer splash screen even comes up corrupted:
I just tried updating Java, the version was pretty old, but still is doing the same thing. I also upgraded the designer launcher to 1.1.37
Any help appreciated, thanks
I know this may not be the solution, but are your screens using any scaling? By default scaling used to always be 100%, but with higher resolution monitors, etc they've started to scale things so they are legible on screen. From my experience, Ignition prefers to work best with even multiples of scaling (ie 200%, 300%), but not fractional scaling (ie 125%, 150%). Switching to an even full scaling number (divisible by 100) may fix your issue.
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Interesting. No, I'm at 100% scaling. But zooming in and out only zooms the upper-left-hand corner, from x=300, y = 200, rest of it doesn't move
Updating the Launcher doesn't really do anything, but upgrading the Ignition Gateway, which means a new Designer version, and new Java version in this case, may actually do something.
Updates to Java don't affect Ignition since it ships with its own version. I would say next to try updating your graphics drivers to see if there's an issue with them.
When the window got corrupted, I did a minimize, then a maximize, and it behaved the rest of the afternoon. We'll see what today brings us... Thanks everyone.
Although today my designer has come up similarly corrupted so far...
That's what I thought, just wanted to get all the bases covered
I think anti-virus programs can screw up Ignition saves. I always save my work and look in the lower left corner to make sure it saved successfully before closing. I never close on save because one time I saved on close and it corrupted every screen I had open which was about a week of work.
I'm almost certain internal scanning software at the office had the files locked as Ignition was trying to save them which broke them.