Count down Timer for 2 hour in HH:MM:SS in forward

I have label component. In that I need to count down the timer for 2 hours in HH:MM:SS format in forward direction. A start button to start the timer and reset button to reset it. Additional, if particular time reach, it should update the other label a some particular string. Example, if it reaches 00:30:00, update "30 minutes reached", like wise. Stuck with this simple issue for one whole day, kindly help me out!

Idk if its the best way, but one i think of is
First storing the moment the button was clicked in a tag ("StartedTime"),
Next using a different tag ("Timer") with a poll rate (not to fast)
that checks the time difference between "now" and with the stored ("StartedTime") and sends a message at your specific intervals.

but dont use exact values for intervals use < or > and and maybe even store the time the last 30 minute message was send so you only send it once

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This seems to be a variation of your previous question, Need to set the timer in ignition when table has fetched the data only this time you're using a label to display the timer value rather than button text.

Please show your view layout, post formatted code and show what you expected and what you got.

i did not see that post, it seems op is doing more than what was asked here, with multple posible proccesses at once, so this tag methode does not seem ideal for that, unless its a small fixed number

Thank you for your reply. Actually , after you detailed input for the changes, we have completely changed the function which I used to ask the last question. Now this is different scenario, I am asking!

Yes it is now fixed one victor.Your inputs are welcome