Create a Folder in Tag Browser using Scripting

Hi ,
I am using Tag Broswer

i want to create folder in default location through scripting

Is is it possible create folder using scripting?

In the help file (8.1):
Python - Adding Folders in other Folders

# Folders are nodes with a 'tagType' set to 'Folder'.
# Each folder can contain a 'tags' value, which containers other tags and folders.
Tags={'tagType': 'Folder',
        'name': 'NewFolderName',
        'tags' : [
                    'name': 'anotherfolder',
                    'tagType': 'Folder',
                    'tags': [{}]            # There aren't any objects defined here, so this will just be an empty folder.                 
system.tag.configure(   basePath = '',
                        tags = Tags,
                        collisionPolicy = "o"