Create/Delete Gateway Timer Script from a Script

For my workflow, I want to create ~30 gateway timer scripts. I'm wondering if there's a way to create them through scripting.

The reason I'm creating 30 scripts and not one script to rule them all is that the scripts are independent, so they can run on dedicated threads at the same time and yield better performance. So if there is way to view/create/delete gateway timer scripts, it would save me a lot of time in creating/maintaining those scripts.

This isn't really possible at the moment; all types of gateway event scripts are packaged into a single resource on disk that's opaquely serialized.

However, in 8.3 there will be a migration path to make each type independent, and represented as individual, human readable resources on disk. It will then be possible to easily duplicate a single resource on disk into as many copies as you want.

In the short term, while it would technically be possible to script something that runs in the designer, it's almost certainly going to be faster to just do the legwork yourself.