Create User defined function in Ignition

How can we create a user defined function in Ignition

Inside a script library (most likely), add:

def hello():
    print 'World'

If you want an answer that's more useful, you'll need to elaborate on your question.

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As we have some in built script functions like Value changed, Quality changed, Alarm event etc in script editor, what we need to do to add a new function in scripting

You're describing event handlers. You can't add your own event handlers. What are you trying to do?

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How can we access the script library..

I think you can find good explanation here in manual

Vision or Perspective?

You can find it in the project browser toward the top

How we need to use a created function inside a script..

Vision or Perspective?

...or something else?


The script library is what you need to use.

Right click on Project Library and select new script. Give it a name that makes sense for all functions of a similar nature as the one being created. Then, create the function inside of it.

# Example function created in the libraryScripts script
def exampleFunction(exampleVariable, exampleOtherVariable):
	# Do work here
	exampleWork = sum(exampleVariable, exampleOtherVariable)
	return exampleWork

Then, in Perspective, anytime this script is needed, it can be called in this way:

exampleVariable = # define this in some way
exampleOtherVariable = # define this in some other way

# Call the library script and the specific function within the script:
exampleResult = libraryScripts.exampleFunction(exampleVariable, exampleOtherVariable)

For more information on this topic, here is a link to the documentation:
Ignition Docs: Project Library

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