Ignition 8.0.12
We try to create a vision client tag in a function by using the function ‘system.tag.configure’, but without any desired result.
Can someone provide us with a small sample script in which this works successfully? We can create standard memory tags with this function.
For example, should the parameter ‘tagGroup’ have a value? This is not necessary with standard memory tags.
Client tags are created from project resources, not as stand-alone entities. They are not part of the infrastructure for gateway tags. I don’t think you can make this work, except possibly with undocumented, likely-to-be-broken-soon SDK interfaces.
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It's not possible to load in or create client tags dynamically in 8 (at least, at present) due to the changes in the tag system. Some more info in this thread:
hello Paul,
is there any update about that functionality?
thanks in advance.
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No. Frankly, it's a low priority task because few people ask about it. An ideas post (ideas.inductiveautomation.com) would help us gauge community interest in a more impartial way.
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