Creating a settings panel wizard, and obtaining individual records from the wizard


In short, I am working an Ignition module, and want to create a more dynamic settings page then one I have configured titled ‘fleet manager service’ in the below email.


Ideally, I would create a settings page like that of the OPC devices settings page (see below). I think the actual Java class I need to use found in the javadocs
at this link:

Are there any examples you could provide to get me started down the development path?


Here is a description of what I want to create:

• Root settings page with button for ‘create new fleet’
• If a user created a fleet, my settings record below will pop up, and they can fill out the fields and click save.
• Once they navigate back to the root page, they will see their fleet record with an edit or delete button, along with the ‘create new fleet’ button so they can add as many records as they like.

FYI My current settings record extends PersistantRecord.

A perfect example of what I am going for is how the OPCUA device setup wizard works.

Let me know if you have any questions!

You need to return a RecordActionTable:

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Thanks @PGriffith! I will try something out on Tuesday, and will get back here if I get stuck.

@PGriffith I tried implementing record action table, but I now have no settings panel showing up in the left gateway pane at all.