Creating array tags

Have searched the help and the forums, cannot find an example of creating an array tag…I am probably overlooking something simple…anyway, I have a control logix array…600 reals…lets call it BottomRaw…
I create a new OPC tag, select float array as the type…the first issue is that it will not let me select the main “folder” for the tag, if I type in the root name (folder name) it doesnt work, and I have tried various ways with the name and empty brackets…BottomRay, BottomRaw[0], etc

That’s because Ignition doesn’t support actual arrays of primitive types. Due to an unfortunate and non-intuitive naming decision, the feature that exposes the individual bits of primitive types is called an array of that primitive. One primitive element at a time.


Instead of creating a tag, I drag and dropped into the tag browser and it worked?!? I dont know if I completely understand your reply…

BTW, if you don’t really need an array type, just access to all of those elements, drag the OPC Item folder to the Tag Browser and release in the spot you want – Ignition will create all 600 tags.


The main reason for bringing these tags in (temporarily) is to graph them…should I start a new topic or can someone direct me how link an array like this to a chart of some type?


You’ll have to construct a dataset with the values in a column. Something like this:

tagpattern = '[default]path/to/array/_%d_'
headers = ['Samples']
rows = [[x.value] for x in system.tag.readAll([tagpattern % d for d in range(600)])]
ds = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, rows)

Thanks! I figured I would have to create a data set!

I’d put that script in a timer component’s action event, where you can assign the result to your classic chart’s dataset.

I apologize if it is something simple I am overlooking, I am getting blank rows (no numbers)…

The pattern doesn’t match the actual names in the tag tree. You need another Bottom_Raw in there.

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Now I feel like a dummy! Thanks for your help!

Phil, I feel like I owe you a consulting fee! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Got the dataset portion working, struggling with the code to assign the ds to a charts dataset…

(PS…I used (‘Chart1’).Data above, I copied it when I was trying something else)

I can use this code for a table object, but the three different charts complain…
Easy Chart…no data property, and I tried DB Pens and Calculated Pens
Chart complains no attribute data
Sparkiline says the same…

I thought all charts needed a timestamp?!? Just looking at the way to assign the dataset to a chart…


Use the classic chart. Use its chart configurator to add a dataset. Which will be a custom property name you can use in your script. If you use an XYplot, you’ll need a timestamp column before the value column, which you’d have to create programmatically knowing the interval between your samples. But the other plot types shouldn’t care. You just wouldn’t have an X-axis label/timespan.

Making sure I understand, when you say classic chart, you mean “Chart” from the components menu correct? (nothing listed as “classic chart”).
I am really confused, I can only make it an xy chart or a category chart…I got it changed to a category chart and it will still not display, any lines. The dataset for the chart contains a single column of data (it contains the correct data) which I have set for the Y axis in the configurator…the only thing I have been able to do was to manually add a column, and put a few dates in, this worked. IF I must use a date field, can you assist me in the code to, for example, start with now, and add one minute to each record, at least I could get it to display! I under stand that I need to add another field to the headers line
such as…
headers =[‘DtTime’, ‘BottomRaw’]
just not certain how to step thru the rows and write and increment the date.

Thank you again…

Something like this:

startMillis =*60000L
tagpattern = '[default]path/to/array/_%d_'
headers = ['t_stamp', 'Samples']
samples = [x.value for x in system.tag.readAll([tagpattern % d for d in range(600)])]
rows = [[*i), v] for i, v in enumerate(samples)]
ds = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, rows)

It is working as expected, Thank You! I would like to add another column added to the dataset in the same fasion as the current column…have been playing with it and one of the things I cannot get is the v…thought it might be a variable placeholder, but if I add any other letter, it complains that it is not defined, so maybe it is a type, but when I duplicate it, complains still…how are the i and v used without being defined?!? Anyway, here is the code that I think SHOULD work, am I missing something small? syntax?

Those variables are defined by the for i, v clause of the list comprehension. You cannot combine two lists in parallel with the syntax you attempted. You need to use python’s zip() function. Like so:

rows = [[*i), v[0], v[1]] for i, v in enumerate(zip(samples, samples2))]

You might want to review the python docs describing target lists in assignments.



I’ve got almost the same issue, but even with your code I can’t get it working.

I’ve got an array with 100 values and want to visualize it in a Bar Chart.
So 100 values numbered from 0 till 99.

I adjusted your code:
The line “tagpattern” is pointing to the tags in my array like the example in the beginning of this topic
The rest of the code is a combination from above.
Imho I need also something to write the data from the array to the dataset.

tagpattern = ‘FluidFill/AmountOfFluid/AmountOfFluid_%d_’
headers = [‘Label’, ‘Last_Fillings’]
samples = [x.value for x in system.tag.readAll([tagpattern % d for d in range(100)])]
rows = [(100)]
ds = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, rows)
event.source.parent.getComponent(‘BarChart’).AmoutOfFluid = ds

Can you point me in the right direction?
I’ve got this script running in a timer script like you mentioned.


Your rows variable needs to be a list of lists, with the inner lists being label string & value. To match your headers.

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