Creating OPC Connection on Gateway through Java SDKs

HI, I am trying to create a OPC connection on Gateway through Java SDK and not use Gateway web interface. Below is where I wanted to see the connection and have added the necessary code.

The method needs a parameter called "properties". I have created it like below, but I could not find anywhere what values can be put ?

OpcConnectionManager clientManager = gatewayContext.getOpcManager();
PropertySet properties = new BasicPropertySet();
OpcSubscription subscription = clientManager.createSubscription("OPC-Connection-1", "Subscription-1",properties);

It might need the endpoints, security mode etc. What are the "keys" for this ?

An example would be

Property<?> someKey;
properties.set(someKey, "someValue");```

Also, is there an API available for creating a new OPC connection?

we would look to add a new OPC UA Server connection from our screen instead of going to gateway config screen. Is that possible ?

system.opcua.addConnection(name, description, discoveryUrl, endpointUrl, securityPolicy, securityMode, settings)
this seems to be working.

Is it possible to access ignition gateway config screens by some means from designer web application ?

No, they have different security policies.

You can build a Vision or Perspective screen that calls system.opcua.addConnection.

So, there is no way to create OPC connection on Gateway through SDKs?

Probably, but not supported and not exposed in the official API jars. You are on your own (as is typically true for anything related to the SDK).

Correct, it's not supported by the SDK.