Custom Icons in Perspective

You’ll just follow the format of an SVG icon sprite (the same format used by the Material icons) and place that SVG file in the location mentioned in the post that is linked above. Here is an example of the sprite format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
            .icon { display: none }
            .icon:target { display: inline }

    <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
        <g class="icon" id="test">
            <path d="M7.52 21.48A10.487 10.487 0 0 1 1.55 13H.05C.56 19.16 5.71 24 12 24l.66-.03-3.81-3.81-1.33 1.32zm.89-6.52c-.19 0-.37-.03-.52-.08a1.07 1.07 0 0 1-.4-.24.99.99 0 0 1-.26-.37c-.06-.14-.09-.3-.09-.47h-1.3c0 . 0 .72-.05 1.03-.15.32-.1.6-.25.83-.44s.42-.43.55-.72c.13-.29.2-.61.2-.97 0-.19-.02-.38-.07-.56a1.67 1.67 0 0 0-.23-.51c-.1-.16-.24-.3-.4-.43-.17-.13-.37-.23-.61-.31a2.098 2.098 0 0 0 .89-.75c.1-.15.17-.3.22-.46.05-.16.07-.32.07-.48 0-.36-.06-.68-.18-.96a1.78 1.78 0 0 0-.51-.69c-.2-.19-.47-.33-.77-.43C9.1 8.05 8.76 8 8.39 8c-.36 0-.69.05-1 .16-.3.11-.57.26-.79.45-.21.19-.38.41-.51.67-.12.26-.18.54-.18.85h1.3c0-.17.03-.32.09-.45s.14-.25.25-.34c.11-.09.23-.17.38-.22.15-.05.3-.08.48-.08.4 0 . 0 .18-.03.34-.08.49a.87.87 0 0 1-.25.37c-.11.1-.25.18-.41.24-.16.06-.36.09-.58.09H7.5v1.03h.77c.22 0 . 0 .41-.12.72-.35.93-.23.23-.55.33-.95.33zm8.55-5.92c-.32-.33-.7-.59-1.14-.77-.43-.18-.92-.27-1.46-.27H12v8h2.3c.55 0 1.06-.09 1.51-.27.45-.18.84-.43 1.16-.76.32-.33.57-.73.74-1.19.17-.47.26-.99.26-1.57v-.4c0-.58-.09-1.1-.26-1.57-.18-.47-.43-.87-.75-1.2zm-.39 3.16c0 .42-.05.79-.14 1.13-.1.33-.24.62-.43.85-.19.23-.43.41-.71.53-.29.12-.62.18-.99.18h-.91V9.12h.97c.72 0 1.27.23 1.12.57 1.99v.4zM12 0l-.66.03 3.81 3.81 1.33-1.33c3.27 1.55 5.61 4.72 5.96 8.48h1.5C23.44 4.84 18.29 0 12 0z" />



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