Custom login page

It is possible to create custom login page in designer using HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

if possible, how proceed with the designer?

  1. Vision or Perspective? (Add the tag to your question.)
  2. What problem are you trying to solve?
  3. What's missing from the built-in login pages?

I want to create web pages in perspective to write direct code (HTML, CSS) for the login page.
I don't want to use built in login page.
I was trying to create web pages in perspective view.

You still didn't explain why. It seems as though you might be trying to hide the Inductive Automation / Ignition branding which IA won't want you to do if you are trying to pass off the Igntion framework as your own work. (There are several posts on the subject on the forum.)

Instead you can use the co-branding.

And in answer to the broader question:

Sure, you can, if you implement the entire IdP protocol yourself. Theoretically you could do that inside Ignition via Webdev. In practice, I would never even attempt such a thing.


Webdev has been removed in newer version so can you provide any alternatives for the custom login query

? WebDev certainly hasn't been removed, unless you're talking about the module being removed from your licence?

It is not showing in the 8.1 version
In old versions it was displaying right below Reports

You might have not installed WebDev module in the gateway. Check in gateway if you have installed WebDev.