Custom login - Perspective

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create my personal login page and I don't know the commands I need to call to authenticate, to validate my user.

I don't want to use "event configuration - Login" from button, but Script, so I can add popups for possible custom errors.

could you help me please

Have you read this?

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And Can we create own login and logout views in perspective which uses database authentication module for login and logout? - #2 by pturmel.

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Yes you can, but think about your security.

If you want to work with the gateway users you can create a user provider in database mode. And then you can access and update tables, and make what you want with this.

For information, the gateway store the password hashed and encoded (sha1 then base64).

With python you can use this line to properly hash and encode the password to store or compare with another password hash.

import hashlib
import base64

passwordHash = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1("Sup3rS3cr3tPa$$word").digest())

This operation is not reversible to ensure security.

Hope this will helps you :slight_smile:
Best regards,
Steven Cheron