Customizing Text Data Storage in HISTORY

Hello everyone,

I have a question about the HISTORY feature.
Currently, I have a boolean data type, and I am using the HISTORY feature to store data in the "ON CHANGE" mode.
However, the stored data is in the form of True/False. I would like to edit the stored data to be more meaningful, such as:

True => remote
False => local

I have tried using an expression tag to reference the original tag and convert the value, but I found a serious problem with this method.
The "TIMESTAMP" does not match the original tag, so this method is not feasible.

Does anyone have a better solution?

Boolean data should always be stored as True or False. The tag name should give a clue what the status signifies. In your case a tag name like modeRemote should be quite obvious.

Let us know how you want to render the data and we should be able to come up with an efficient way to convert the bool to "local / remote". I think there are some function's in Phil Turmel's Integration Toolkit.

The "TIMESTAMP" does not match the original tag, so this method is not feasible.

Can you explain this remark?

My client wishes to see more precise statuses in the historical list rather than just True/False.

The TimeStamp is because my data is from IEC 61850, and the communication source of 61850 includes a timestamp.
Therefore, after I use an Expression Tag to replace True/False with meaningful strings, the TimeStamp will be in local time, rather than the time provided by the IEC 61850 communication.

Additionally, in IEC 61850 protocol, a circuit breaker typically has 2-bit.
0 => Fault
1 => Closed
2 => Open
3 => Unknown
These bit positions are usually represented as INT in the tags, so I also want the INT to be replaced with meaningful text.