I have a SQL table that records downtime. I have a query that pulls duration in seconds and groups by hours. I then use this for a bar graph. If I want to “fill-in” the missing hours with a result of 0, what would be the best solution, a SQL query, or code in Ignition then bind?
Any tips or hints is much appreciated.
DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(a.dtStart, INTERVAL SECOND(a.dtStart) SECOND), "%m-%d %h:00") AS t_stamp,
SUM(Duration) as Duration
(SELECT b.t_stamp AS dtStart,
a.t_stamp AS dtEnd,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, b.t_stamp, a.t_stamp) AS duration
LAG(Id) OVER (ORDER BY t_stamp) AS prev
FROM MyTable) a
INNER JOIN MyTable b ON a.prev = b.Id
WHERE a.Value = 0 AND b.Value = 1 AND b.t_stamp BETWEEN '2020-04-18 09:59:03' AND '2020-05-27 13:33:09' ) a
group by YEAR(dtStart), MONTH(dtStart), DAY(dtStart), HOUR(dtStart)
t_stamp Duration
04-18 09:00 25
04-18 10:00 33
04-18 01:00 185
04-18 02:00 91
04-18 03:00 44
04-18 04:00 672
04-18 05:00 28
04-18 06:00 479
04-18 07:00 236
04-18 11:00 306
Usually, such things are done by joining with a table that has all the hours in it. Since this needs to be more dynamic, I recommend using a script.
Tested as well as I could, with no query data.
# Set dates. Normally, things would already come in as java.util.Date
d1 = system.date.parse('2020-04-18 09:59:03')
d2 = system.date.parse('2020-05-27 13:33:09')
# Set query string. Note use of question marks as dates for later substututions.
query = '''SELECT
DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(a.dtStart, INTERVAL SECOND(a.dtStart) SECOND), "%m-%d %h:00") AS t_stamp,
SUM(Duration) as Duration
(SELECT b.t_stamp AS dtStart,
a.t_stamp AS dtEnd,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, b.t_stamp, a.t_stamp) AS duration
LAG(Id) OVER (ORDER BY t_stamp) AS prev
FROM MyTable) a
INNER JOIN MyTable b ON a.prev = b.Id
WHERE a.Value = 0 AND b.Value = 1 AND b.t_stamp BETWEEN ? AND ? ) a
group by YEAR(dtStart), MONTH(dtStart), DAY(dtStart), HOUR(dtStart)
# Query database
result = system.db.runPrepQuery(query, [d1, d2], 'dbConnection')
# Create a dictionary with all possible t_stamp values.
### Make copies of the input dates
h1 = d1.clone()
h2 = d2.clone()
### Set minutes and seconds to zero
### Add 1 hour to h2. This is necessary for use on the hoursBetween() function used next
### This ensures we have our final possible t_stamp value
h2 = system.date.addHours(h2,1)
### Create the dictionary
histogramDict = {system.date.format(system.date.addHours(h1, x), 'MM-dd HH:00'):0 for x in range(system.date.hoursBetween(h1,h2))}
# Merge values from the query
for row in result:
histogramDict[str(row['t_stamp'])] = row['Duration']
# Finally, create a dataset from the merged data
headers = ['t_stamp', 'Duration']
data = [[key, histogramDict[key]] for key in sorted(histogramDict.keys())]
datasetOut = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)
Awesome!! Thanks for the help.
Any idea why the last row is always 0? I verified the data is correct from the query, but when merging data the very last row never gets the actual data written over the 0.
Edit, nevermind, I’m an idiot!! It works fine…
Thanks again for your help…
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