Data Label in Status Chart

I have a DataSet with TimeStamp, MachineState (MachineStateID) and Downtime Reason (ReasonID)

Tue May 30 13:50:10-----------------------0-----------------------0
Tue May 30 13:55:11-----------------------1-----------------------
Tue May 30 14:00:00-----------------------0-----------------------52
Tue May 30 15:32:14-----------------------0-----------------------30
Tue May 30 15:59:32-----------------------1-----------------------
Tue May 30 16:00:07-----------------------0-----------------------22
Tue May 30 16:00:54-----------------------1-----------------------
Tue May 30 16:06:17-----------------------0-----------------------44

Empty ReasonID is “null” in database.

My Target is to display only one line in Status Chart, MachineState with data label (Downtime Reason) like this:

Any ideas to solve this problem? Thanks!