I didn't see anything that would help with this, so I wanted to post in case it may help someone down the road.
Previously, I had seen several topics related to capturing a dataman scanner output using Modbus TCP.
While the Device still shows connected I wasn't receiving anything to the memory tag I setup.
I played around with the gateway script- tag change event's logging functions and couldn't tell that the tag was ever changing.
Played with system.opc.readValues vs system.tag.read as well.
Solution included modifying the OPCUA device inactivity timeout. Once I did this, if it didn't see a change for X amount of time it would reconnect.
Never saw an error on the wrapper or dashboard. Device remained connected and "good" by all accounts. The only way I could tell it wasn't running was to putty into the scanner and watch the output while the tag in Ignition did not update. If I find any additional info I will post it.
This is definitely the issue with the TCP driver, there is no connection monitoring, so the only way to validate the connection is even working is to wait for periodic data or restart the connection regularly.