Date/Time format on Chart X-axis

Is there a way to define the format for Date/Time displayed on the X-axis of a Chart object somewhat like the function in the Table object?
I reside in Europe and it seems that the default format is MM DD, YYY with a 12 hour clock HH:MM AM/PM. I would prefer an ISO compliant format such as YYYY MM DD HH:MM:SS with a suitable delimiter between Year, Month and Day (- or /).



Hmm, I definately see where you’re coming from here. Unfortunately it isn’t that simple for the chart x axis, because the format it displays changes based on the range (for instance, if you are zoomed in, it will display minutes or even seconds, but if you are zoomed out, it might only show days or months), so there isn’t a single format string like there is for the table component’s column customizer.

I will enter this in as a feature request to allow some sort of customization of this formatting logic, even if its just to respect the current locale.



I appreciate the answer and look forward to a solution in the future.



I just noticed that it seems that the Chart object seems to format date/time based on the locale settings of the machine containing (in my case) the SQL server and FactoryPMI. I have both packages on the same server so I can not tell which software package is influenced. It also seems that the format is independent of the locale setting on the client PC.



As an update, locale specific date formatting on date axes has been added in FactoryPMI 2.0