Day view with event spanning multiple days

I have a Calendar Month View component which I’m using to create events and from that calendar I can open a more detailed Day View.

If I have an event that spans multiple days the Month View shows the event on all the days it’s scheduled, however the Day View will only show the event on the day it starts. If I open the Day View on one of the subsequent days, I get nothing for that event.

Thanks in advance for any help.

The components’ event properties have to be populated with a query that checks both start and end date of each row against the time span, not just the event start date. I strongly encourage the use of ‘half-open’ comparisons, where one expression uses greater-than-or-equal of the start point and the other uses a simple less-than of the end point. Something like:

SELECT "startDate", "endDate", "displayColor", "display"
FROM "eventTable"
WHERE "startDate"<'{Root Container.Day View.nextDate}' AND "endDate">='{Root Container.Day View.currentDate}'

Note that currentDate and nextDate are custom properties of the Day View Component that produce date strings that are compatible with your database. The following expressions generally work for almost any database:

  toInt({Root Container.Day View.year}),
  toInt({Root Container.Day View.month}),
  toInt({Root Container.Day})),


  toInt({Root Container.Day View.year}),
  toInt({Root Container.Day View.month}),
  toInt({Root Container.Day}+1)),

{ The toInt() cast works around some data tyep bugs in various versions of Ignition, including v7.9.1 }

Never mind. The Day View component itself is dropping the event. That’s a bug worthy of reporting.


I needed someone to verify what I was seeing.

I was hoping someone has figured this out. I used your code and I return a query with everything that is shown on that day in the Month view, but it will not show it on the day view unless the event started that day. Any other ideas?

It was a bug. Don't know what happened to it, or what version might have the fix.