
Hello Team,
We have database authentication used in project. When user trying to be logged with wrong credentials then user locked. We received below error:
DB_AutomaticMode [profileName=ICELAB] User '_admin' is locked out

Could you please let us know how to identify if user locked or not by scripting function so we can handle it.

Also let us know after how many wrong credential attempt it will happen? What time it will take to login again?

Is there any way to reset locked user ?

  1. What database engine?
  2. Are you accessing using an Ignition gateway database connection? (Gateway → Config → DATABASES → Connections.)
  3. If so, what is the status of the gateway connection?
  4. Where are you receiving the error? Can you post the full contents?

The normal setup is that Ignition has the required database credentials and Ignition controls which users have access - not the database doing the controlling.

See User Source Automatic not creating table in MySQL DB - #12 by jspecht where the problem was due to using double-quotes for the column names.

We are using MS SQL Server & also used, Database authentication strategy.
We observed that when user enter wrong credentials then user is locked & facing the same error. During specific time period we are unable with correct credential also. After that it will be working as expected.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, when user enter wrong credentials then user will lock for specific time interval that seen in error.

We are looking for to understand if user logged with more than attempt, so application will tell us "User entered wrong credentials wait for some time."

So in this way we want know how to identify user is locked? Is there is any scripting function available?

Currently we used ( system.security.validateUser(username, password, [authProfile]) to validate login) which is return true or false.
We want know any scripting function which identify user is locked?

SQL Server is doing the authentication and is controlling the retry attempts, lock duration, etc.

To change those you will need to configure them in SQL Server, probably using SSMS.

To detect from Ignition that a user is locked and how long before the user is automatically unlocked is going to require queries to the SQL Server system tables. It can probably be done but will require some specific DBA skills.