As many of you know machine learning is a trending topic in many fields right now.
I have been doing some research on how can we integrate this technology into our projects.
I have discovered the deeplearning4j library, it seems very popular and well documented, so I tried to make it avaliable through a script module using the Ignition SDK.
I took the scripting-rpc-example from the SDK examples and added the deeplearning4j dependences into the project pom.xml.
The problem that I found is that when I try to run the “mvn clean package” command I get this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.inductiveautomation.ignitionsdk:ignition-maven-plugin:1.0.12:modl (package-modl) on project scripting-rpc-build: Error copying dependency
Can anyone give a hint on how can I solve this issue?
Thank you!
Attached you can find the full command output with the debug option enabled. mvn.log (1.0 MB)
And this is the full pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- Change the nd4j.backend property to nd4j-cuda-7.5-platform or nd4j-cuda-8.0-platform to use CUDA GPUs -->
<!-- <nd4j.backend>nd4j-cuda-8.0-platform</nd4j.backend> -->
<!-- For Spark examples: change the _1 to _2 to switch between Spark 1 and Spark 2 -->
<!-- Scala binary version: DL4J's Spark and UI functionality are released with both Scala 2.10 and 2.11 support -->
<name>Sonatype Nexus snapshot repository</name>
<name>Nexus Release Repository</name>
<!-- ND4J backend. You need one in every DL4J project. Normally define artifactId as either "nd4j-native-platform" or "nd4j-cuda-7.5-platform" -->
<!-- Core DL4J functionality -->
<!-- ParallelWrapper & ParallelInference live here -->
<!-- Arbiter - used for hyperparameter optimization (grid/random search) -->
<!-- Used in the feedforward/classification/MLP* and feedforward/regression/RegressionMathFunctions example -->
<!-- Used for downloading data in some of the examples -->