Defining a Tag Driving Provider for Memory tags

Our project(s) make extensive (almost exclusive) use of Memory tags, and we need them available to some 3rd party SCADA packages. I created a Tag Driving provider for them just so that their values, etc would be available via a SQL query to sqlt_core. This seems to work out fine… EXCEPT, when I try to create new tags via script withthe system.tag.addtag function using , <, …tagType=“MEMORY”,attributes={“Driver”:“dbtagdriver”}, dataType="Float4…">, I get an error saying that “Driver” is an invalid attribute. I note in the User Manual that the screen shot of the memory tag dialog box
( )
does NOT have a field for “Driver” - however, at least in 7.9, that dialog box does indeed allow you to specify a driver.
Have I found a tiny bit of unfinished scripting functionality? Or am I just doing it wrong?
i.e. I need to pro-grammatically create a Memory tag while specifying a non-default tag provider/driver. How do I do this?


# Example: Add Memory tag to a provider other than the default tag provider
system.tag.addTag(parentPath="[ProviderName]Folder", name="TagMemoryProvider", tagType="MEMORY", dataType="Int2", value=42) 

Thanks for the feedback! - I saw that, but that isn’t what I wanted to do either… then, just now I saw it and feel dumb: I had the wrong attribute name!
The property name IS “Driver” but right there in the next column is the Binding/Scripting Name which is: “DriverName”. Why these aren’t the same is beyond me, but it IS plainly documented and I needed to RTFM closely! If anyone’s reading this, note also that the driver and the provider are NOT the same thing nor do they have the same name. Also note the square brackets rather than a slash as the punctuation can trip you up until you get it right…To wit:
prvdr = “[DBTagProvider]”
pPath = prvdr + “myFolder”
if not system.tag.exists(pPath + “/” + txtTagName.text):
#create the tag in Ignition
system.tag.addTag(parentPath=pPath, name=txtTagName.text, tagType=“MEMORY”,attributes={“DriverName”:“dbtagdriver”, “HistoryEnabled”:“True”, “PrimaryHistoryProvider”:“LocalSQL”}, dataType=“Float4”, value=tagValue)