I have this code, which does the following:
- It copies one pydataset column into a list.
- Deletes the copied pydataset column.
- It creates a new column with the same data.
listData = []
for row in ds:
print len(listData), row["data"]
print "-----------------------------------------"
print "listData, len:", len(listData)
print "ds.getRowCount, len:", ds.getRowCount()
print "-----------------------------------------"
#Deleting column...
col_index = ds.getColumnIndex("data")
ds = system.dataset.deleteRow(ds, col_index)
print "Column deleted!"
#New column with same data...
ds = system.dataset.addColumn(ds, listData, "newCol", str)
print "New column added!"
The output gives an error: IndexError: Number of values (21) doesn't match number of rows (20) in dataset
, which is not correct.
If add the columns without removing the column, it works.
This doesn't make sense to me, is this a bug or I am missing something?