Delta RMC200 motion controller

Hi everyone,

Am trying to connect to my RMC200 with Modbus protocol. I did some research but I don't really find anything that am doing bad.. I make a connection with my modbus device and use the path ns=1;s=[RMC200]HRF1601. Inside my device I see the value of 107,393 but the value on Igntion is 107,176. All my value have like an offset its very weird. Am gonna put some screenshot configuration and show the table inside my RMC200 application too. The value inside my RMC200 is 107,393 and in Igntion I have 107,176. Did someone have allready connect with RMC200?

Best regards,

Maybe it's not supposed to be zero-based addressing?

Can you use another Modbus client like modscan and the values you expect?

If I did not put zero-based I get -2.. After switch to [RMC200]HRF1602 I got the same value that I got witht he zero based at true and for the Modscan I ask to my client to install the soft so we will try.

Son we try with modscan ans its working

Modscan is using a different unit id than your Ignition addresses. Try 1.HRF1601.

It would also be useful to see the request/response bytes from modscan.

I think I find my probleme I just changed and enable the Reverse Word Order in the device configuration and now its working find!