Hello All,
We have a development Ignition gateway and a Production Ignition gateway. What is the best practice for deploying projects to the Production gateway?
Right now, we manually import/export projects.
Hello All,
We have a development Ignition gateway and a Production Ignition gateway. What is the best practice for deploying projects to the Production gateway?
Right now, we manually import/export projects.
We currently just use the EAM module for deployment. Do all the development and UAT on the Test/Dev gateways, then push to the Production through EAM.
We are working on adding a step in between by pushing (via EAM) to a central control gateway with just the EAM module. From there the deployment team will create a backup of the project file and check it into Git source control to record the deployment along with any support files and db schemas. Then the project will again be pushed to EAM to the production gateway from the central control gateway.
Its not ideal, but it should do the trick. Hopefully Ignition 8 will have a few more source control features
Thank you for your suggestions.
I thought we are only with a lot of manual tasks in terms of deployment. But I will take a look into EAM and maybe remove a few manual tasks.
Also another question, so EAM means you have another gateway that controls your dev/uat/prod gateways, is that correct?
Also another question, so EAM means you have another gateway that controls your dev/uat/prod gateways, is that correct?
That should do the trick indeed. Glad to hear it’s in development Ryan.