Deprecated functions

Ignition’s documentation appears to be lacking a section for deprecated functions.

For example, system.tag.writeToTag has been replaced by system.tag.write, but given an old project I have no way of knowing this. The function simply vanishes from the documentation. There really needs to be some sort of migration list. Even if I knew that a function was deprecated, it is not necessarily obvious what it should be replaced with.

Please can this be fixed.


We can look into finding a way to include deprecated functions in the user manual without it confusing new users.

Really you don’t need to change any of your old writeToTag() calls to the new write() style. The old function is still included for backwards compatibility and has really only been removed from the documentation and replaced with documentation for the new function.

Is there any advantage to using system.tag.write() as opposed to system.tag.writeToTag()?

No there is not. They essentially do the same thing.

system.tag.write() is documented, whereas system.tag.writeToTag() is not.

Yes, I agree that it would be nice if we had a documentation suction for deprecated functions, but to be honest, we have a hard enough time keeping on top of the documentation as-is, and a hard enough time teaching new users about scripting, without throwing deprecated stuff into the mix. The deprecated functions aren’t going anywhere - it’s not like you need to go through your scripts and change them with any urgency.

Actually I’ve been changing them purely because they are undocumented.

For someone reading the code later system.tag.writeToTag is obvious enough, but that’s not always the case. Some of the old database functions changed their parameters.

[quote=“systemparadox”]Actually I’ve been changing them purely because they are undocumented.

For someone reading the code later system.tag.writeToTag is obvious enough, but that’s not always the case. Some of the old database functions changed their parameters.[/quote]

Good. Maybe we should leave them undocumented then :smiling_imp:

Yeah, changing them over certainly isn’t a bad idea if you’re up for it.

For what it’s worth, we recently hired a technical writer! :thumb_right:
Hopefully our documentation enters a new era of accuracy and timeliness.

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