Design an Alarm System using a database


I'm currently trying to design a process with ignition and would like some feedback on it. I am using Ignition 8.1.30 and I am making this in perspective using only a database.

My goal is to use a table that has a named query attached to it and grab the last two time stamps or rows and compare them to see if there was gap in between the minutes.


Temp TimeStamp
42 C 2:31 pm
55C 2:33 pm

2:32 pm is missing, so I would like to continuously check the last two rows every minute and create an alarm system that stores the time it happened.

I was thinking of using Gateway Events. Is it possible to access the table values from Gateway Events?

Is there a better solution for my needs?

Thank You

I can think of a few ways to accomplish this. There would be no GUI aspect to this, correct? Simply watching database records and logging a new record when that 'skipped minute' condition is true?

Yes there is a GUI in place, but I was hoping use the alarm component system , not sure if that is possible.

I also thought of another solution which was to dynamically take the last two values store them in 2 tags, then compare, if condition is true push this to the alarm system.