On some systems, while using Oracle JRE 7, the jnlp file will fail silently on launch. I found that by adding some dummy “java-vm-args” to the j2se parameter seemed to help launch more reliably. Can IA add some like the following to the j2se keys
I think you know this already, but for anyone else out there, removing the vm-args parameters entirely and then launching from the jnlp file instead of the shortcut is the work-around we’ve been promoting. The only downside to this is you probably can’t run a designer with symbol factory installed.
Right, but that introduces another step. Why not just add the dummy arg and it works fine? If this can solve this issue and maintain compatibility across all operating systems, that would be my preferred solution. Either that, or can you add a field for extra arguments to be passed in the jnlp. This solution would also maintain the ability to use symbol factory I believe.
But how do I get to that actual ‘designer.jnlp’ file to edit it, so that it launches correctly when Java Web Start grabs it ?
My Gateway is running on Ubuntu 10.04, and I’m trying to launch the Designer (or any of the Clients) on Windows 7 64-bit, running Java 7 Update 21.[/quote]
When you click on the Launch Designer link of the gateway your browser is either downloading it somewhere for you (downloads for you), or downloading it to a tmp folder and attempting to launch it. Play around with your browser settings to figure out what’s going on there.
That being said… you shouldn’t need to be doing this on Windows. Are your designers/clients not launching with 7u21 on Windows 7 64-bit?
I thought this was an issue related to the Gateway being on Linux, rather than the launched Developer or Applications. My Ignition install is on an Ubuntu 10.04 virtual machine, while I am doing development from my Windows 7 computer.
I am getting back into Ignition after a few months of not working with it. I found that all my JNLP launches would “hang” indefinitely and came looking in the Forum for a reason. My guess was that it had something to do with Java 7 and the symptoms in this thread looked similar.
I do have a Windows XP VM with Java 6 that I can still launch and edit applications with, so I’m back in business for the time being. But I want to figure out what’s happening on my primary editing computer (Windows 7 64-bit) so I can go back to it.
I will figure out where my browser is putting the designer.jnlp file and go from there.