Designer Launcher Logs for troubleshooting

I am trying to help a coworker with a simple script module that seems to be causing the launcher to hang when opening a project. It will load correctly to the gateway, but get stuck on “Initializing Scripting…” when opening a project through the designer launcher.

I am trying to figure out how to troubleshoot the issue, however I don’t get anything in the gateway logs, and I don’t see anything in the ~/.ignition cache directory that looks like a log.

Here is a repo with the project, GitHub - keith-gamble/SkellyModule: A repository to publish the working filesystem for module development.

There is a warning trying to grab the script module bundle, which could be the cause I am not sure, but I am also not sure why that is happening.

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name org/sepia/skelly/scripting/AbstractSkellyModule, locale en_US

I did confirm it is building it in, so I am not really sure where that comes from.

I am having the same problem.

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for this situation you can grab the actual launch command from the designerlauncher.log file and just run that in a terminal. you should get all stderr and stdout output in your terminal that way which might help you debug where the issue is.

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Where is the designerlauncher.log file and that command? That’s actually what I was looking for

The log file is in ~/.ignition/clientlauncher-data and the command is in the log file.

How did I miss that! Thanks Kevin.

To update any of those curious, the problem here was that my DesignerHook was failing to add the ClientScriptModule because it was unable to find the class definition. This was because in my top level build.gradle I was not applying the :client project to the designer scope. To fix this I changed my projectScope from

projectScopes = [
        ":client" : "C",
        ":common" : "GCD",
        ":gateway" : "G",
        ":designer" : "D"


projectScopes = [
        ":client" : "CD",
        ":common" : "GCD",
        ":gateway" : "G",
        ":designer" : "D"

The error happening during the hook initialization is what caused the actual launcher to hang.