Designer Problems with Vision Module

So far I am having two problems with the vision module that I was not having with the previous version (7.9). The union under shape seems to be freezing the designer to the point where I have to force it to close and re open it. Also, values I have displayed on the screen are blinking white randomly. The data quality is good, there is no alarms associated with the tag so I am not sure why it would blink.

What components are you using to display these values? How is the binding applied (Tag, Expression, property)?

It is a text field component. I am using an expression.

round({PLC Tags/Bulk Receiving/Bulk L33/West Oil Tank/West Oil Tank Pipes/West Tank South Section Pipe Temp}, 2) //

The other problem I mentioned about the union not working was solved by switching to the Nightly 8.0.1 version. Now instead of it blinking white it is blinking grey. It appears to be random too. the value doesn’t change much ± 0.1.

Hi @cegge - can you please verify that you are still seeing this issue? If so, which version are you using now?

Sorry the problem was solved by upgrading. Sorry for the delayed response.

No problem! Thanks for letting us know.