I get only those menus instead of having the full ignition menus
How to solve this please ?
- I've already upgraded Ignition
- Restarted the Designer several times
- The "configure menu" button in the bottom-left doesn't even have the required books
I get only those menus instead of having the full ignition menus
How to solve this please ?
Sorry, but what are you trying to describe as missing?
It sounds like you're either missing modules on the gateway you're connecting to, or they're failing to start. Check the list of modules in the Designer via the Help > About menu, and on the gateway via the gateway web page.
After reinstalling Ignition, here's what I get now (Before/After)
System Info :
When opening Designer from another client, all seems good. So I guess the gateway side is fine. It might rather be an issue with the client's side / Java version inside that WindowsServer2012.
Google dropped support for Windows Server 2012 in chrome and chromium. Your Perspective module is failing to load in the Designer because the embedded browser no longer works on that version of Windows.