For this alarm in the journal:

The following code:
results = system.alarm.queryJournal(journalName="AlarmJournal",,-1),
print results[0]
print results[0].label
csv = system.dataset.toCSV(results)
filePath = system.file.saveFile("myExport.csv", "csv", "Comma Separated Values")
if filePath:
system.file.writeFile(filePath, csv)
Returns this in the console:
Event[name=Changed, source=prov:default:/tag:GlobalVars/BH1_setpoint_min:/alm:Changed, priority=Diagnostic, desc=null]
And this in the .csv file:
"[{Source: 'prov:default:/tag:GlobalVars/BH1_setpoint_min:/alm:Changed', Display Path: 'BH1_setpoint_min', UUID: '84408903-9ca4-43e3-b606-fbc37c724018', Current State: 'Active, Acknowledged', Priority: 'Diagnostic', Active Data: {ackUser=tag:Auto-Ack, systemAck=true, eventTime=Fri Mar 21 08:39:10 NZDT 2025}, Clear Data: null, Ack Data: {ackUser=tag:Auto-Ack, eventTime=Fri Mar 21 08:39:10 NZDT 2025}, Runtime Data: {eventState=Active, eventTime=2025-03-21 08:39:10.0}}, {Source: 'prov:default:/tag:GlobalVars/BH1_setpoint_min:/alm:Changed', Display Path: 'BH1_setpoint_min', UUID: 'da5a9dd0-10f0-420d-836e-aa85ad64d41a', Current State: 'Active, Acknowledged', Priority: 'Diagnostic', Active Data: {ackUser=tag:Auto-Ack, systemAck=true, eventTime=Fri Mar 21 08:39:19 NZDT 2025}, Clear Data: null, Ack Data: {ackUser=tag:Auto-Ack, eventTime=Fri Mar 21 08:39:19 NZDT 2025}, Runtime Data: {eventState=Active, eventTime=2025-03-21 08:39:19.0}}]"
But what I really want is the label property from here:
As circled in red in the top image.
I'm also bit confused because print results[0].label
seems to return the name property rather than the label property I'm after...
In any case I just want to include the real label property "BH1 band control min limit set to 116 C" in the csv output as that gives the most information about what the alarm actually represents.
Thanks for your help