Device Connection

I think it posibble to connect Io link master to ignition. I tried to connect Io-Link IFM AL1340 (Modbus TCP) , and not success. i think only setting ip address and port number. i need suggest to fix ? thx

Welcome to the forum!

Can you please take a screen capture (on windows press {Windows Key} + Shift + S) and upload as an attachment, it is pretty hard to make anything out of your photograph.

You can try going to status section (top left of your image) then Connections/Devices then click Details beside the device that is in error for you. Under log activity change min level to trace.

I am trying to connect an IFM AL1322 IO Link Master thru the MQTT port to Ignition. I have the engine and the distributor modules installed. The server is enabled and is connected. I cannot get the device to connect in order to see the tags, nothing shows up under tag providers MQTT engine as far as devices. I talked to someone at Cirrus Link and they said that the device would need to have Spark Plug protocal or some special configuration in the engine.