Device remains in program mode after download to the PLC

I’m having a problem with Ignition (latest version) coming back up after a PLC download to a Contrologix L72s version 20. Under Ignition OPC devices the processor status remains in Program Mode even after a long time in run. The way I found to start again is Disable the device and enable again. Is this a known problem?

I am assuming that this is a Safety or GuardLogix since there is an “s” at the end. Is this correct to assume?

If it is, our current driver does not support these devices, and this is a known issue. However, we are in the process of developing our new Contrologix firmware v21 driver. We have done some testing with GuardLogix devices and have not had any issues with devices coming backup from program mode. The expected release date of this driver is still unknown, it will probably be sometime around the release of Ignition 7.7.