Difference in dataset datetime fields between locations

I have an FPMI application that runs a query and then loads screen components with that data. What I am getting is a descrepency in the date fields returned to the dataset. When I look at the dataset on my PC I get this test data, which is what is in the database:

"28","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","1","580","2008-09-09 06:01:00","2008-09-09 11:00:00","5500","2","10","0","20","0","90","10","0","0","33","test something"
"28","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","1","580","2008-09-09 06:01:00","2008-09-09 11:00:00","5500","2","10","0","20","0","90","10","0","0","13","test something else"
"28","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","1","580","2008-09-09 06:01:00","2008-09-09 11:00:00","5500","2","10","0","20","0","90","10","0","0","7","test third thing"
"29","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","2","580","2008-09-09 11:00:00","2008-09-09 18:11:00","8000","0","10","0","20","1","90","20","0","0","22","shift two testing"
"29","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","2","580","2008-09-09 11:00:00","2008-09-09 18:11:00","8000","0","10","0","20","1","90","20","0","0","12","shift two testing somethig else"

When I look at the dataset from a different PC I get the following dataset:

From PC 2
"28","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","1","580","2008-09-09 13:01:00","2008-09-09 18:00:00","5500","2","10","0","20","0","90","10","0","0","33","test something"
"28","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","1","580","2008-09-09 13:01:00","2008-09-09 18:00:00","5500","2","10","0","20","0","90","10","0","0","13","test something else"
"28","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","1","580","2008-09-09 13:01:00","2008-09-09 18:00:00","5500","2","10","0","20","0","90","10","0","0","7","test third thing"
"29","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","2","580","2008-09-09 18:00:00","2008-09-10 01:11:00","8000","0","10","0","20","1","90","20","0","0","22","shift two testing"
"29","6-Pal, 2-24oz dep, 1-16oz dep","2","2","580","2008-09-09 18:00:00","2008-09-10 01:11:00","8000","0","10","0","20","1","90","20","0","0","12","shift two testing somethig else"

They are both the same, except for the datetime fields. StartTime and EndTime.
These two field are datetime types in the database. I looked and
My query looks like this:

select a.*,b.Minutes,b.Event from dbo.tblpacklineproduction a left outer join dbo.tblPackLineDownEventLog b on b.ProductionID = a.ProductionID where Line = 1 and StartTime between '2008-09-09 0:00:00' and '2008-09-09 23:59:59'

Any ideas how to resolve my problem?

After some more investigation, it was suggested that the difference in time is the Offset from GMT amount. I checked the PCs that I have confirmed were not returning the correct date and found that they all were running Java 1.5. I am unable to upgrade most of the PCs as there is an application they are running that only works on the 1.5 version. I did find one that I could upgrade to Java 1.6 and afterwards the FPMI application returned the correct values. Any suggestions on how to make this available to PCs that have different versions of Java on them, so that the datetime value is correct on both?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

I found your workaround when an application can’t deal with multiple versions of Java installed on a PC and created the batchfile and copied a current version of Java to the offending computers. They all appear to be functioning corrently now.

Glad you got it figured out!

Thanks Carl. I just was not making any headway and thought I was out of options when I submitted the question to the forum. After that, everyone I talked to had a new idea and finally someone suggested checking out Java.